Download a version of Celeste for Linux without DRM. Please note that you will have to erase your SD card to do this. You can find up to date instructions for it on switchroot's website. I will not go into detail as to how this is done. First of all, you will need to install Ubuntu 18.04 on your SD card. However, actually setting it up is much more complex compared to copying a simple homebrew app to your SD card. There is one way to run Everest mods on the Switch (and it is the main way I play Celeste mods). Follow the instructions here: Celeste-ARM64 on GitHub From there just download Olympus from game banana and install Everest and everything should work :) (if you have any questions just ask) Something to note is that you have to reunlock the pico 8 version. So just delete the saves in there and put your 2 files from check point in there and boom it should work.
Basically get the save from check point (there should be 2 files) then create a save on the pc version of Celeste and then close it and go into steam and then right click celeste and open file directory and you should see a saves folder. But you can use a homebrew app called checkpoint to extract your Celeste save and put it in the pc version. I’m all confused cause there’s a mod manager and stuff is I don’t think I can just drag the mod into the atmosphere folder and then contents and then the game id like what I’ve done for other modsĮdit: so there used to be a mod that worked on switch but it hasn’t been updated so unless you know how to install old game versions you can’t mod the switch version. I have a modded switch that I beat Celeste on and I was wondering if I was possible to use mods on it.