Fairy Tales in Different Cultures-Adelita.Just right click the button and save it so you can bring it up in PicMonkey and add your picture.)

(I left the picture out of it so you can add your own picture in PicMonkey. So tune in next week when I will share our first Flat Stanley adventure from a reader of Crafty Moms Share! And then you can help spread the word about our traveling Flat Stanley by posting a button on your blog. By participating you are giving me permission to post your pictures and information you provide here at Crafty Moms Share and all of its social media connected with it. E-mail me your pictures, your child's name or nickname and age, where you are from and where you took your Flat Stanley and any other wonderful information about your hometown, region, country that you might want to share (and if you want me to mention and link it to your blog, please make sure I have your blog name). Then take your Flat Stanley some place in your area and take a picture of him/her with or without your child (depending on if you want pictures of your child shared here). If you are interested in joining us, print out this template and decorate your Flat Stanley/Sophia in a manner a child might dress in your area of the world.

I am going to share one each week with you so we can learn a bit about the world together. We have also been hearing from some of our friends around the world with their Flat Stanleys.